Day 1 – 3 introductory exercises

The first step was to sort solid colours according to value matching them against a five point grey scale ranging from light grey, medium light grey, grey, medium dark grey and very dark grey. In the next step we made white and black strip sets which we subsequently made into a grid, using different dimensions and cutting methods (freehand and ruler) in order to gain appreciation of scale and quality of line.

We then moved on to manufacturing striped fabrics in the prescribed values, in colours of your choices which were then made into identical grids.

For ease, we used rulers for the cutting in the second part of this exercise.

Out of these grids we selected two and made duplicates to restructure. Using the remainder of the striped fabrics we had made earlier, we restructured each of the two chosen blocks. The initial instructions was to make 4 cuts and after that we could do more restructuring within the time available, provided we didn’t introduce any other fabrics.

Immediately below are two finished compositions and the gallery below these, show some of the steps taken to get to the finished “purple” composition. These two compositions were both completed once I got home and I plan to continue to develop this exercise using the other grids as starting points.

Below the gallery shows the initial steps taken in the restructuring of fabric 1 and fabric 5.

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