African quilts
I have made a number of quilts using African fabrics which friends have given to me. I am inspired by their vibrant colours and patterns and I enjoy using unusual colour placement.
I often use an improv technique which Joe Cunningham describes in a Craftsy workshop called “Fantasy four patch”, using a combination of african prints with other ordinary and unusual fabrics that I have to hand. I like putting different types of pattern together as it adds to the richness and texture. Below you have examples which use eclectic fabrics that come from Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana and Gambia, mixed in with Marcia Derse fabrics, batiks, solid colour, Moda Grunge and fabrics from Japan.
The bright pink Kenyan fabric featured above was cut up into strips to make the pink “Fantasy four patch” below, transforming it completely.
Click on the images below if you want to see them enlarged.